Category: Activism

  • It’s my lucky day, sort of: speech

    It’s my lucky day, sort of: speech

    Finally got elected to the FDTC today; it was their last chance… I wrote a speech but in the end, I didn’t need it. There were three nominations for two open seats, and one dropped out (Amanda Northrup), leaving Robert Case and me to be elected by acclamation. Amanda said she was in no hurry, […]

  • Hey, dudes, how about a little intersectionalism?

    The endless struggle of women to be accepted by men as bonafide fully equipped, intelligent, creative, capable human beings is exhausting for all of us. We are tired of being treated as less than fully human by men of every color. The patriarchy knows no race or creed. Women of color are bitter about how […]

  • Hello world! Not.

    Hello world! Not.

    The election of Donald Trump galvanized me, and I realized I had to take responsibility for the state of the world. In proportion to my role in it, of course, which is very small. Accordingly, I spent the past year trying to figure out what I could do. I quickly realized that I had also […]

  • Congratulations to the winners!

    Congratulations to the winners!

    Congratulations to the winners, Cheryl Tully-Stoll and Laurie Lee. And a huge thank you to everyone who came out, and to everyone who voted for me and helped and supported this campaign in so many ways. I’m sorry we didn’t pull it off this time, but we’ll keep working to promote progressive values in our community. […]

  • Elizabeth Warren and me!

    Elizabeth Warren and me!

    Thank you, Elizabeth Warren, for your inspiration and encouragement, and for wearing a Gwendolyn Holbrow for Selectman button! And thank you, Holli Andrews, for the photo.

  • Priority Issues

    Priority Issues

    Much of our local governance is excellent! As they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. At the same time, in some ways we fall short of our ideals, especially in parts of Framingham that are chronically underrepresented in town government. Listed below are some areas we need to address, regardless of which form of municipal government we choose on […]

  • Meet the Candidate

    Meet the Candidate

    Gwendolyn Holbrow has lived in Framingham since 1998, and for many years represented Precinct 10 in Town Meeting, where she served on the Education Committee and the Real Property Committee. During that time, she also organized and represented neighbors in Precincts 10 and 11 in fighting development proposals that lacked appropriate buffer zones between commercial and industrial sites and […]

  • Town or City?

    Town or City?

    On April 4, Framingham voters will choose between remaining a town or adopting a city charter (available by clicking the image at right). Each system has advantages and disadvantages, and you, the voters, will decide which form of government can best address the challenges we face. Whatever you decide, I will do my best to make it work for our […]

  • Why I’m Running For Selectman

    Why I’m Running For Selectman

    Framingham does many things well. Our schools are excellent, Public Works does a great job of keeping our streets plowed and our water flowing. Parks and Rec provides wonderful opportunities and spaces for recreation, and a superb senior center. We are a designated Green Community, with exciting sustainability and alternative transportation projects underway. Positive zoning […]